Emotional Abuse
Emotional Abuse—California Penal Code Section 11166&b;
Emotional abuse is defined as when a person causes or permits a child to suffer unjustifiable or significant mental suffering.
Emotional Abuse—Federal Guidelines
- Acts or omissions by parents or caretakers that have caused, or could cause, serious behavioral, cognitive, emotional or mental disorders.
- Some acts, do not leave evident harm to the child but warrant reporting, such as extreme or bizarre forms of punishment, such as locking a child in a closet.
- Emotional abuse is almost always present when other forms of abuse are identified
Emotional Abuse
- Belittling
- Blaming
- Sarcasm
- Rejection
- Corruption
- Screaming
- Humiliation
- Threatening
- Name calling
- Unpredictable responses
- Child exposed to domestic violence
- Isolation of the child from social contacts
- Deliberate withholding of love and affection
- Child placed in restraints, caged or severe confinement
Indicators of Emotional Abuse in the Child
- Withdrawn, seeks isolation or is unresponsive
- Overly rigid or passive
- Repetitive, rhythmic movements
- Sleep, eating or speech disorders
- Learning problems
- Destructive to self or others
- Poor self-image and esteem - may unwittingly say “I’m bad…my daddy tells me so.”
- Hungers for attention and affection
- Failure to Thrive Syndrome
Indicators of Emotional Abuse in the Parent
- Has unrealistic expectations of the child - developmentally, educationally or emotionally
- Enforces unusual penalties or vaguely sinister punishment - it is one thing to place a child in time-out in their room for five minutes, and another to place a child in time-out in a locked closet for five minutes
- Uses child to satisfy their own ego needs
- Describes the child as bad, different, worthless or evil
- Refers to the child as “It”
- Uses child as a battleground for problems