Innovative Partnership Opioid Resource Toolkit

Welcome to the Opioid Resource Toolkit, presented by the Sierra-Sacramento Region Innovative Partnerships Program. Please use the navigation bar to the left to explore the areas of the toolkit or click the links below. 

In 2022, there were 7,385 overdose deaths related to opioids and 6,473 deaths related to fentanyl in California[1]. Given the local need and the impact that opioids, fentanyl, and other drug use has on families, the Sierra-Sacramento Region Innovative Partnership created the Sierra-Sacramento Opioid Resource Toolkit to share our research with agencies, communities, and families.

Within the Opioid Resource Toolkit, you will find helpful articles and materials that you can use to educate others about the opioid and fentanyl epidemic. You will also find data portals used to research local community data as well as other important links to assist with evaluation of the topic.

The Opioid Resource Toolkit is a living document that will continue to be updated with new information and resources as they are discovered. We invite you to utilize the materials and resources within the toolkit to assist with services in your agency, and to promote the health and well-being of your community. Our hope is that these resources are supportive of your efforts to understand and combat the opioid and fentanyl epidemic.

[1] California Department of Public Health, California Overdose Surveillance Dashboard.


Articles & References

Promotional & Education Materials

Evidence Based Curriculum

Data Portals

Available Training

Roadmap for Coalition Building

Important Links

[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2018 Annual Surveillance Report of Drug-Related Risks and Outcomes — United States. Surveillance Special Report. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Published August 31, 2018. Accessed December 20, 2018 from drugoverdose/pdf/pubs/2018- cdc-drug-surveillance-report.pdf
[2] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Opioid Overdose: Prescription Opioid Data. August 30,2017